Featured Friday! Robert Redinger

Born in New York City, award-winning author Robert Redinger studied theater and film at Hunter College where he received the Bill Sherwood Award for Most Promising Filmmaker. He has been a student of mythology for most of his life. His fascination with trees and the creatures of the wood have led to the creation of his sylvan heroes. His first novel, The Sylvan Horn, is a Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner. He is currently writing Sword of the Sylph: Book Two of The Sylvan Chord.

What’s your favourite part of the lifestyle of an Author?

The creation of engaging poetic prose.

What made you start writing?

As a teenager I played Dungeons and Dragons which introduced me to the fantasy genre. The game led me to Fritz Leiber and Michael Moorcock whose works remain a constant source of inspiration.

Is there an Author that you consider your inspiration?

When I read Michael Moorcock’s Elric of Melnibone I discovered what a writer can do with words, I saw how powerful words can be. Moorcock and Leiber have been two big influences. They are masterful world builders who combine the scholarship of literature with the excitement of comic books. Years ago I actually sent Michael Moorcock the first draft of The Sylvan Horn and he said it showed considerable promise. He also added that he broke his rule against reading unsolicited manuscripts to look at it.

What’s your number one tip for an aspiring Author?

My advice to aspiring authors is simply keep writing. Don’t wait for inspiration, make a schedule and stick to it.

What type of book do you like to read and does this differ from the genre that you prefer to write?

In fiction I rarely read anything that isn’t fantasy. In non fiction I read biographies, self help, and true crime.

Which one of your characters would you most like to spend time with?

Maybe the elf queen Gabreu. She’s a lot older, but the years have been kind.

Which book do you consider a must-read?

C.J. Cherryh’s The Dreaming Tree. A great quintessential fantasy about elves. The writing is superb.

What’s been the hardest edit that you’ve had to make? Why did you want to keep the material in?

I had some difficulty with the title, The Sylvan Horn. The original title was The Horn of Cranus, but when someone said I should think twice before putting the word anus in the title I decided to change it.

If you could live in a book, which one would it be?

Maybe mine, The Sylvan Horn.

Is there any conflict between what you want to write and what you think your readers will like?

No. If readers like fantastical adventure stories there is a good chance they will like what I write.

What effect can a review have on you, if you read them at all? Both the good and the bad.

A review can confirm strengths and weaknesses in a book. The positive reviews are not surprisingly easier to digest, but some negative reviews can expose areas where improvement may be needed.

Can you sum up your life story in ten words or less?

If I write an autobiography, the title could be, “Anomaly: The Robert Redinger Story.”

What’s exciting you about your next project?

I wrote four chapters of the second book in the series, Sword of the Sylph. It is the best writing I have ever accomplished. I love the characterizations and the world building prose.

And finally, you have one quote to be remembered by, what is it?

Seize the day.

Thanks to Robert for taking the time to answer our questions.

You can find out more about Robert and The Sylvan Horn on his website:


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